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Body Mapping


Body Mapping is a process that helps us to see what is hiding in our energy field that we may have forgotten about, denied, buried, or even avoided so we do not have to deal with it.  Ideally, we want to deal with our situations relatively soon after or at the time of; however, that is not always the case.  In many cases, we may deal with the situation but we don't deal with it on all levels; so on that level we are still connected to the situation, carrying it around in our energy field.  Many do not know or recognize this and feel that they have already done this work or transforming this situation.  However, if we are still affected by it then we are not fully done transforming it.  If situations in our lives are not dealt with properly, over time this causes serious blockages within our energy field later creating physical disharmony on many levels; mentally, emotionally and physically.  Body mapping helps us to process on the energetic level which helps to release on the other levels.  Through this body mapping process you will learn what is still in your energy field and how to transform it.  I will be coaching and guiding you as we walk through this amazing transforming process. 


What can body mapping help me with?  Emotional wellness and the situations that have caused the disharmony.  Self love, self worth, self doubt, sadness, anger, triggers, jealousy, tension are just a few to mention.      





Consultation: $30 for 30 min 

Sessions: $159 per hour

Purchase 4 sessions get 1 Free

** Multiple sessions may be needed



Laura Molecavage

Palm Harbor, Florida

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