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Introspective Hypnosis

Introspective Hypnosis was created by Aurelio Mejia which is designed to transform presenting conditions in one session.  It is a unique blend of Ericksonian Hypnosis, role change, past life regression, forgiveness therapy and spirituality to achieve transformation in behavior and help support relief for the client.  The process stems from the understanding that there is always a cause, reason or lesson behind our life experiences in which this technique seeks to discover and resolve.  Many times we have repressed emotions and unresolved situations that result later in life as psychosomatic symptoms.  Therefore, this process focuses on working with the soul in the search for answers and origin of the symptoms.  Introspective Hypnosis is not the journey of Past Life Regression specifically.  However, Past life Regression can be a result of working with the current life symptoms (psychosomatic) that the client brings to the session such as: low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, feeling stuck, not being seen, insecurity, allergies, toxic relationships, weight control issues (anorexia, bulimia, overweight, weight loss), migraines, body pain, recurring dreams, nightmares, sadness, phobias, fears, anger, anguish, inability to forgive, complexes, obsessions, addictions and so forth.  As we work on the current presenting symptoms, we navigate the memories around it looking for the root cause which may reveal the origins; present or past life.  No matter where it is originating from; past or present, we will navigate the life that is being shown for clarity.  Additionally, situations that might be revealed as a result of navigating our lives are contracts, karmic lessons and so much more.  As our contracts and karmic lessons come to clarity we can gain a better understanding about why things happen in our lives and possibly find answers, forgiveness and resolve.  There are also times where there might be energies that might be attached and influencing our energy field that need to be released back to the light.  This may be for many reasons related to our lives and karmic lessons or just because they are lost, confused or so forth.  Most times a person can feel a sense of relief from unusual behaviors, thoughts or symptoms upon the release of a spirit attachment.  Everyone experience is different and unique and so the process is very flexible and adaptable to the client session; client centered.          

2-3 hour session

Regular price $300

Follow up Session $259





10am - 7pm


Laura Molecavage

Palm Harbor, Florida

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